All Kids Alliance Learning How to 'Make Waves' at the 5th Annual StriveTogether National Convening

​Over 400 attendees from more than 50 partnerships around the country met in San Diego, home of one of the newest cradle to career organizations called the “City Heights Partnership for Children.”  The occasion was the fifth annual national StriveTogether Cradle to Career Network Convening.

The staff of All Kids Alliance was joined in San Diego by Gus Noojin, Chair of our Council of Executives.

With the theme, Making Waves: Action that Moves Outcomes, this year’s meeting focused on four principles within the StriveTogether Theory of Action. Those key topics are engaging the community, focusing on educational disparities/equity, using continuous improvement to impact outcomes, and leveraging existing assets.
Outstanding speakers rallied the convening. They included Jeff Edmondson, Managing Director of StriveTogether; Cindy Marten, Superintendent of San Diego Unified School District; Reba Dominski, Senior Director of Community Relations for Target; Dan Pallotta, Founder and President of Advertising for Humanity,  and Nancy Zimpher, Chancellor of the State University of New York and Chair of the StriveTogether National Advisory Board.
This fifth national convening closed with a trademark session called “Failing Forward.”  Two communities won the right to inform and entertain the gathering with stories about how their organizations had misjudged, misinterpreted, or miscalculated some aspect of building civic infrastructure for collective impact . . .but used the results to bounce back stronger and more knowledgeable.
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